Sunday, November 7, 2010

Beth and Craig

Talk about a picture perfect could not have asked for better weather day for a wedding!  Mid eighties, sunny and with a light breeze. Spectacular! It had rained almost continuously for two weeks previous to Beth and Craig’s wedding, but they kept their fingers crossed that the weather would break. Their risk paid off and they were rewarded with the most beautiful day, possibly ever.  There was a slight issue with the bridesmaids’ high heel shoes unintentionally aerating the lawn due to all the rain.  But in the grand scheme of things, who really cares?  We make a lot bigger sacrifices than that for fashion, right?

Speaking of picture perfect, how lovely are the bride and groom?  Beth is seriously one of the most beautiful people I know, both inside and out.  She is funny, generous, and extremely gracious. She was an absolute pleasure to work with, and as you can see, it would not have taken a lot of work on my part to make her look incredible!  Beth and I worked very closely on the design of her dress.  She loves fashion and had a very good idea of what type of silhouette would be most flattering on her figure. Honestly, I’m hard pressed to think of anything wouldn't look amazing on her. So over the course of a few months and a lot of e-mails, we came up with the final design constructed in a Hemp/Silk blend with a silk organza underlining and spun silk lining. Très belle, non?

I hope you enjoy the photos from Beth’s and Craig’s beautiful wedding!



One of the bride's lovely sisters, and my good friend, Stephie. Seriously, how ridiculously cute is she?

My dear friend, Arthur, sporting his unique style of Dr. Who meets AC/DC. 

All but the last four photos in these series were taken by the lovely Avesha Michael

1 comment:

  1. just seeing this for the first time... your blog is fabulous... :) thanks for the photo credit, much love
